miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

El arte de programar

Leído en Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration

This urge to create something living is common among artists. Michelangelo is said to have struck with his mallet the knee of perhaps the most beautiful statue ever made, the Pieta, when it would not speak to him. And then there's the story of Frankenstein. Artists have consistently reported an exhilaration during the act of creation, followed by depression when the work is completed. "For it is then that the painter realizes that it is only a picture he is painting. Until then he had almost dared to hope that the picture might spring to life." (Lucien Freud, in [Gombrich 60], p.94) This is also the lure of programming, except that unlike other forms of art, computer programs do "come to life" in a sense.

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